Thursday, October 21, 2010

A True Act of Selflessness

I recently ran into my good friend Stacy and I immediately noticed something different.  Her hair!  She used to have beautiful long black locks and now she has a smart, sophisticated bob.  I asked her what inspired her to make the big change and the story is truly amazing.  Here's Stacy's story...

In March 2009 I got engaged to be married. Along with thinking about a dress, flowers, and wedding cake, I had to think about the hairstyle I wanted for my “big day”. I decided to begin the process of growing my hair out so I would have more styling options on my wedding day. Little did I know then, that my dream of having long locks for the wedding photos would turn into something much more meaningful.
A few months after the engagement, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Luckily it was stage one and treatable - early detection saved her life! My mom bravely endured chemotherapy and radiation treatments. In the scheme of things her hair loss seemed minor, but she was still concerned about how she, as the “mother of the bride”, would look in wedding photos.

When my wedding day rolled around, less than a year later, my mom was grateful to have a natural looking wig to wear. Even though she’s beautiful with or without hair, her mind was at ease knowing she’d have “cute hair” on my wedding day.
Stacy with her Mom on her wedding day.
After the wedding and honeymoon had passed, the time came to for me to get my hair cut. I had been growing it out for a year and I was ready for a new look. I had heard from a friend about a program called Pantene Beautiful Lengths ( which takes donated hair and uses it to make wigs for people fighting cancer. I knew what I had to do… my extra eight inches of hair would be cut and donated to a great cause!

It’s been a month since I made the cut and donated my hair, and I’m so happy I had the opportunity to do so. I hope my donated hair will help make a wig that another brave women can proudly wear... maybe even to her daughter’s wedding!


Stacy, thank you for being a true inspiration.  My hope is that your story will inspire others to make sacrifices for the good of helping those in need.  By the way, your new hair-do looks great!!

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