Friday, October 15, 2010

Cancer Sucks!!!

A little over a year ago, my best friend, Kathi, shared some very sad news with me.  Kathi's childhood friend Catou was fighting for her life battling brain cancer.  Catou is only 36 years old.  
Kathi and a group of friends (old & new) have rallied around Catou over the past year and cheered her on during her treatment process.  Christmas parades, slumber parties and nights out all in an effort to keep Catou's spirits high during a typically dark, difficult time of illness, needles and endless doctor appointments. Catou's fight continues and her support group is growing by the minute.  

In the United States, over 575 people are diagnosed with a brain tumor every day.  I repeat, every day. 

This is unacceptable.  We have got to fight in honor of innocent victims like Catou and put an end to this horrible disease.  Kathi and friends are joining Catou tomorrow morning in Huntington Beach at the Southern California Brain Tumor Walk.  In honor of Catou and others affected by brain cancer, I ask you to please donate now.  A $5 or $10 donation will make a difference.

Please donate.

Thank you.  Your support is the ultimate act of kindness.

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