Monday, November 8, 2010

Yo! What's the big hurry?

So a few months ago, I pulled up to an ATM Machine and as I was turning off my car, another car pulled up and parked behind me.  As I got out of the car and started walking the 10 short steps to the ATM the guy (who parked the car behind me) literally RAN past me to cut in front of me and use the machine.  Really?  He couldn't tell as I was 2 feet away from approaching the ATM that I was going to actually use it? Was he really in such a big hurry that he couldn't wait 1 minute while I got my cash out of the machine?  

I'm not a confrontational person but this guy was such a doof that I told him so and as I got back into my car, I began to wonder, are people in such a hurry that they don't care about being rude and affecting others?  Don't get me wrong, I'm not from the 50's where I expect a stranger to lay their rain coat over puddles for me, but it is nice to be treated nicely by a stranger.  "Mr. Hurry" was a poor example of someone with manners...

Fast forward to the other day- same neighborhood.  I got out of my car and as I started walking toward the entrance of Starbucks, I noticed a 19-20 year old guy was approaching the same entrance from the other direction.  Who was going to reach the door first to win the closer spot in line for their coffee?  I was expecting the worst (flashbacks from the ATM episode), but was pleasantly surprised that this young guy sped up to hold the door for me.  I thanked him and told him that he could get in line in front of me (since he gave up his spot for being polite) but he declined.  AHA! There are still polite, patient people in this world (at least on the Starbucks on 5th Street) who are willing do so something nice for a stranger.  

So I leave you with this reminder- the next time you're in a big, insignificant hurry, stop and do something nice for someone you don't know. Your small acts of kindness will not go unnoticed.